
Healthcare Services

Address data silos, streamline data visualization, simplify BI schema changes, and provide an easy-to-use analytics platform for healthcare data.

Project Details

Optum, a division of UnitedHealth Group (UHG), is a leading healthcare services company that leverages analytics and expertise to optimize healthcare systems for its customers. Their mission revolves around enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services.

Required Services
Healthcare Analytics
Amer Services
Mobile Application Development


Optum faced several critical challenges in their pursuit of healthcare data optimization:

Data Silos

They had data coming from various sources, including Salesforce (SF), Siebel, and others, creating data silos that hindered efficient analysis.

Complex Toolsets

Users had to be trained in multiple tools to create visualizations, leading to time-consuming training efforts.

BI Schema Changes

Changes to business intelligence (BI) schemas required extensive planning and design, often taking weeks to implement.

Data Display Challenges

The BI team struggled to easily display data from different schemas side by side, hampering data comparison.

Dynamic Dimension Data

Due to Master Data Management (MDM) processes, dimension data changed frequently, making it challenging to maintain data consistency.

Solution Approaches

Optum partnered with GFGG IT to address these challenges.

The following solution approaches were implemented:

Salesforce Wave Analytics

GFGG IT introduced Salesforce Wave Analytics as a unifying tool to combine data from multiple sources, breaking down data silos.

User-Friendly Interface

Wave Analytics' easy-to-use interface allowed users to quickly become proficient in exploring and sharing data, reducing the need for extensive training.

Data Import Training

Services provided training to pilot users on how to manually import data, ensuring they could efficiently utilize the analytics platform.

Custom Dashboards

GFGG IT configured dashboards to display unrelated datasets side by side, facilitating data comparison.

Automation Insights

GFGG IT partnered with Cast Iron to help Optum understand automation capabilities, potentially streamlining data processes.

The implementation of GFGG IT's solutions followed a systematic process:

Data Integration

Data from different sources was integrated into Salesforce Wave Analytics, breaking down data silos.

User Training

Services conducted training sessions to ensure users could efficiently import and explore data using the analytics platform.

Dashboard Configuration

Custom dashboards were created to enable side-by-side comparison of unrelated datasets.

Exploration and Sharing

Users were empowered to explore and share data more effectively, enhancing data-driven decision-making.

Automation Exploration

GFGG IT collaborated with Optum to explore automation capabilities that could further streamline data processes.

Key Benefits

The implementation of GFGG IT’s solutions delivered several key benefits to Genomic Health.

Data Comparison

Optum gained the ability to quickly compare data from several unrelated supporting systems on a single screen, facilitating data-driven insights.

Low User Training Barrier

The user-friendly interface and training efforts significantly reduced the training barrier, enabling anyone to explore datasets and use prebuilt dashboards and lenses.

Mobile Accessibility

Mobile capabilities were introduced, making data access and analysis available on-the-go, enhancing flexibility and decision-making.

Final Results

The outcomes of the project demonstrated its success and its positive impact on Optum’s operations.

Optum could efficiently compare data from various sources on a single screen, enabling more informed decisions and improved data analysis.

The low training barrier allowed users to quickly explore datasets and leverage prebuilt dashboards, enhancing data utilization across the organization.

Mobile capabilities provided data access anytime, anywhere, further improving flexibility and decision-making.

In conclusion, GFGG IT’s strategic implementation of Salesforce Wave Analytics played a pivotal role in transforming Optum’s healthcare data analytics processes. This case study highlights the importance of advanced technology solutions in overcoming complex data challenges in the healthcare industry. GFGG IT’s ability to deliver tailored solutions empowered Optum to enhance its operations, break down data silos, and drive continuous improvement in healthcare data analysis and decision-making.

Solutions in Action

In our case study section, we showcase real-world success stories, demonstrating how our tailored.

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