Genomic Health

Healthcare Services

Provide sales representatives, managers, service representatives, and executives with advanced data visualization tools and dashboards to gain insights into sales performance, service data, and engagement analytics.

Project Details

Genomic Health stands as a global leader in genomic-based diagnostic tests, addressing the critical challenges of both overtreatment and optimal treatment for early-stage cancer. Their mission revolves around improving healthcare outcomes, making them a pivotal player in the healthcare industry.

Required Services
Salesforce Success Cloud


Genomic Health faced several critical challenges in their quest to enhance data-driven decision-making:

Sales Data Visualization

Sales representatives needed a comprehensive view of territory data, visualized through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as effectiveness, trends, average Turnaround Times (TATs), and more.

Managerial Insights

Sales managers required visibility into their team's data and KPIs, encompassing both their own performance and their subordinates.

Service Data Analysis

Service representatives needed access to complete service data and relevant KPIs, including Total Tests by type, channel breakdowns, TATs, and product descriptions.

Manual Reporting

The organization was heavily reliant on manually generated Excel sheets on a weekly basis, hindering timely actions that spanned across multiple systems.

Executive Engagement Insights

Executives sought a centralized platform to provide engagement insights while dealing with the complex security model required due to sensitive data visibility concerns.

Solution Approaches

GFGG IT was engaged to address these challenges.

The following solution approaches were implemented:

Data Integration with Informatica

Data from Salesforce and other CSV sources for Customer Service and Sales datasets were merged using Informatica, creating a unified data source.

Complex Security Model in Wave

A complex custom Salesforce Security model was implemented in Salesforce Analytics (Wave) via Informatica, ensuring that relevant data was accessible to authorized users only.

SAQL for Complex Calculations

SAQL (Salesforce Analytics Query Language) was utilized to perform complex calculations in Wave, particularly for Average TATs, given the nature of the data.

Customized Dashboards

Several dashboards were developed, including "Rep Sales Credit", "Manager Sales Credit", and a "Customer Service Dashboard".

The implementation of GFGG IT's solutions followed a systematic process:

Data Integration

Data from disparate sources was integrated using Informatica to create a unified dataset.

Security Model

A complex security model was implemented in Wave via Informatica to ensure data privacy and access control.

SAQL Development

Complex calculations were performed using SAQL to create insightful visualizations.

Custom Dashboard Creation

Custom dashboards, tailored to the needs of sales representatives, managers, and service representatives, were developed.

Key Benefits

The implementation of GFGG IT’s solutions delivered several key benefits to Genomic Health

Dynamic Data Filtering

Dashboards enabled users to dynamically filter data by region, time frame, segments, lines, and test types, providing real-time insights.

Comprehensive Managerial View

Managers gained a 360-degree view of their team's performance, aiding in performance evaluation and decision-making.

Service Data Insights

Service representatives obtained an at-a-glance view of service data, enabling them to identify and address issues promptly.

Engagement Analytics

Executives could gain insights into engagement data while maintaining stringent data security measures.

Sales Rep Empowerment

Sales representatives had instant access to customer information, enabling more informed client interactions.

Final Results

The outcomes of the project demonstrated its success and its positive impact on Genomic Health’s operations.

Dashboards empowered users to view KPIs and trends, providing valuable insights into sales performance, service data, and engagement analytics.

Top 10 rankings across various segments, products, physicians, and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) were readily accessible, aiding in strategic decision-making.

Managers gained the ability to evaluate team performance comprehensively, leading to improved sales strategies.

In conclusion, GFGG IT’s strategic implementation of Salesforce Analytics and Informatica played a pivotal role in transforming Genomic Health’s data-driven decision-making processes. This case study highlights the importance of advanced technology solutions in overcoming complex challenges and fostering data-driven insights in the healthcare industry. GFGG IT’s ability to deliver tailored solutions empowered Genomic Health to enhance its operations and drive continuous improvement in healthcare outcomes.

Solutions in Action

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